Monday, March 19, 2018

Founding of the Fellowship of Isis

Blessings Aset Shemsu! In honor of the upcoming anniversary of the founding of the FOI, during the FOI Convocation at Isis Oasis, Geyserville, California, USA, 2006, Olivia Robertson gave the following account of the Founding of the Fellowship of Isis


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Anniversary of the Founding of the FOI: March 21

March 18- Celebrate the Birth of the FOI on March 21: “Earth Magic of Transformation” in Urania. Rite by Attunement for All FOI Members are free to join in by around the world on March 21st, Spring Equinox, which is the actual FOI Birthday/Date of the Founding - either as full ceremonial, or reading it, and visualising it.

There doesn't have to be a specific time as that is difficult to coordinate internationally, without it being inconvenient for some. All the rites can be done solo, by reading aloud, perhaps with a candle, and or incense, or more elaborate if you choose! Relax beforehand, and anoint your brow with water before you start. Make sure you won't be interrupted by phones or people. Cats and dogs usually like to join in! 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Registration within the Fellowship of Isis

Registration within the Fellowship of Isis

Just a friendly reminder: the heads of all centers are responsible for keeping their own records of titles conferred via consecration or ordination, and all degrees earned. This is in accordance with the wishes of FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson, who continued the gradual decentralization of the Fellowship of Isis, a process she began in 1999. Any members who wish to send copies of their records to FOI Central for listings on the website or for inclusion in Isian News are warmly welcome 
to do so!

(Photo: Olivia signing a charter at the Nesu House, Isis Oasis, Geyserville, California, 2007)