Welcome to the Fellowship of Isis Central Blog! The Fellowship of Isis is an international organization dedicated to furthering awareness of the Goddess. Information presented here about the Fellowship of Isis (announcements, policies, liturgy and the branches of study in the FOI) is provided directly to us by FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson, Temple of Isis, Clonegal Castle, Ireland.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Photo (right): FOI Co-Founder Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, Baron of Strathloch, founder of the Noble Order of Tara, Fellowship of Isis.
From Grand Knight Commander Steve Wilson (on Knighthood): "Two examples of this remain in our Esoteric traditions. Those who follow an Arthurian path will recognise the three grades of Squire, Knight and Lord. A Knight was responsible for choosing and training a Squire, but only the Knight’s Lord could raise the Squire to Knighthood, and only the King could make a Knight into a Lord ... The right of Lords to make Knights still exists, although they are only Knights of that Lord’s court, not Knights of the Realm. The last time I heard of such a right being exercised was when Baron Strathloch, one of the three founders of the Fellowship of Isis, instituted the Noble Order of Tara, in which I am myself a Knight."
Note: Since Lawrence's passing in 1994, his sister, FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson is acting Chancellor of the Noble Order of Tara. She has announced there will be no chancellor after her.
Photo courtesy of FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson. Used by permission. Text used by permission of the author, Steve Wilson. Contents © Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.