The Order came into being through the idea of Douglas Reagan of the U.S.A. who believed that an Order of Chivalry could be founded to inspire men and women to work at saving the environment from pollution. He requested Lawrence Durdin-Robertson to be Chancellor, as, being a Baron, he had the authority through his “Baronial Court” to bestow the accolade. Both Lawrence and Olivia agreed to be Chancellors. The Chivalric titles, as is customary are only used within the Order. Members of Priories perform hard work dealing with environmental problems in their areas. The Tutleary Goddess is Tara of Ireland and Asia, Tara of 108 Names. The Order of Tara, as with F.O.I. in general and the Druid Clan of Dana, is non-political and has no affiliations.
Photo courtesy of Olivia Robertson. Used by permission.
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