Blessed Summer Solstice! "The
teaming summer has come, bringing life in its arms, and strews rosy flowers on
the face of hill and dale. In lovely harmony the wood has put on its green
mantle, and summer is on her throne, playing her string music. The willow whose
harp hung silently when it was withered in winter, now gives forth melody -
Hush! Listen! The world is alive!" ~ 'Summer. Rite of the Sun' from
"Dea, Rites and Mysteries of the Goddess" by Olivia Robertson.
Photo: Midsummer Alchemical Wedding courtesy of Dennis Murphy of Logic Reality
Welcome to the Fellowship of Isis Central Blog! The Fellowship of Isis is an international organization dedicated to furthering awareness of the Goddess. Information presented here about the Fellowship of Isis (announcements, policies, liturgy and the branches of study in the FOI) is provided directly to us by FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson, Temple of Isis, Clonegal Castle, Ireland.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Blessed Summer Solstice
Friday, April 21, 2023
Oracle of the Season: Beltane 2023
A new Oracle of the Season has been uploaded to Fellowship of Isis Central Website - Oracle of the Goddess Mahadevi, featured in ritual no. 7, in "Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess": “I am without: I am within: I am the Lover and the Beloved: I am the Knower and the Known: I am the Harmony that reconcileth all things. Know Me.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Isian News Beltane 2023
Beltane Blessings, Aset Shemsu! Isian News no. 188, Beltane 2023, has been published! The cover features a lovely photo of FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson carrying an offering of flowers to the Belvedere on the grounds of Clonegal Castle. This issue features the Oracle of the Goddess Mahadevi and the ritual Festival of Wesak from the FOI liturgy book “Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess” and “Psychic Rescue Work” by FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson. Editorial “The Time of Blessings” by Hamsa Devi. Book Reviews: “Little Book of Qi” by Janet Seaforth; “Euphrosyne & Harty Spring” by Sonia McNally; Book Recommendation: “The Girl in the Tunnel” by Maureen Sullivan. Heartfelt thanks to the following members for their contributions: Marie Alexander; Normandi Elli’ Caroline Wise; Linda Iles; Patrick Norwood MacAllister; Sara Gamberoni, Kasey Conder, Alexandra Axinte, Michael A. Starsheen; deTraci Regula; Hennie van Geel; Claudiney Prieto; Celia Thomas; Christine Rhone; Baya Rouzoul; Setjataset; Mana Youngbear; Denise Dumars; Sarah Rooke; Ivana Modesto; Shannon Michaela Doree Smith; Ossian D’Ambrosio; Ann Brigit Waters; Sheila Broun. Dulce Domum: Ayah Buonaugurio.
Thank you to all who contributed photos, reports, articles, poetry, and news from their centers!
You may view the current issue as a pdf at this direct link:
Isian News Beltane 2023
Monday, March 20, 2023
Happy Anniversary to the Fellowship of Isis
Blessed Vernal Equinox, Aset Shemsu! Today we honor the founding of the Fellowship of Isis, which was established on theVernal Equinox in 1976. Did you ever wonder why the founders chose this date? Olivia expressed her views in an interview given at the Nesu House, Isis Oasis, in 2003. She offered some beautiful insights the reasoning why this date was chosen, including this passage: "Spring marked the time of ancient Egyptian harvest. My brother, through his studies, discovered the four faces of Khufu’s pyramid are slightly concave - as commented upon by Petrie; the intent of this construction may have marked advent of the equinoxes. Lawrence discovered the pillar of Osiris, known as the djed, was used as a kind of celestial measuring-pole. The djed, when shown tilted, symbolised the Autumn Equinox and the confinement of Osiris within the coffin; whereas the djed when upright, denotes the Spring Equinox and the recovery of Osiris by Isis." You can read the whole interview at the link below.
Photo courtesy of Loreon Vigne