Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Isian News issue no. 168, Beltane 2018

Beltane Blessings! Isian News issue no. 168, Beltane 2018 has just been published. Cover art: Photo of Olivia Robertson taken by Ishtar Klaus at the Symphony for the Goddess, 2000, hosted by Hamsa Devi and Thomas Wehmeyer in the famous Teutoforest, near Bielefeld, Germany. Oracle: Invocation and Oracle of the Goddess Niamh by Olivia Robertson. 

This issue is filled with news, reports, wonderful articles, art and poetry, along with offerings from FOI members, including a review of a new book "Divining with Animal Guides" by Hearth Moon Rising and "Soulscapes Tarot" by Jade Ashcroft Moore.
You may view the current issue as a pdf at this link: Beltane 2018.pdf

Heartfelt thanks to all who members who contributed to this issue of Isian News. It is truly a blessing to see Isian News, the original newsletter of the Fellowship of Isis continue on as such a warm and vibrant publication. Isian News was created by the FOI Co-founders and first published in the summer of 1976. It has been continuously published quarterly since that date.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Founding of the Fellowship of Isis

Blessings Aset Shemsu! In honor of the upcoming anniversary of the founding of the FOI, during the FOI Convocation at Isis Oasis, Geyserville, California, USA, 2006, Olivia Robertson gave the following account of the Founding of the Fellowship of Isis


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Anniversary of the Founding of the FOI: March 21

March 18- Celebrate the Birth of the FOI on March 21: “Earth Magic of Transformation” in Urania. Rite by Attunement for All FOI Members are free to join in by around the world on March 21st, Spring Equinox, which is the actual FOI Birthday/Date of the Founding - either as full ceremonial, or reading it, and visualising it.

There doesn't have to be a specific time as that is difficult to coordinate internationally, without it being inconvenient for some. All the rites can be done solo, by reading aloud, perhaps with a candle, and or incense, or more elaborate if you choose! Relax beforehand, and anoint your brow with water before you start. Make sure you won't be interrupted by phones or people. Cats and dogs usually like to join in! 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Registration within the Fellowship of Isis

Registration within the Fellowship of Isis

Just a friendly reminder: the heads of all centers are responsible for keeping their own records of titles conferred via consecration or ordination, and all degrees earned. This is in accordance with the wishes of FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson, who continued the gradual decentralization of the Fellowship of Isis, a process she began in 1999. Any members who wish to send copies of their records to FOI Central for listings on the website or for inclusion in Isian News are warmly welcome 
to do so!

(Photo: Olivia signing a charter at the Nesu House, Isis Oasis, Geyserville, California, 2007)

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Isian News Brigantia 2018

Brigantia Greetings Aset Shemsu! Isian News, Issue No. 167, Brigantia 2018 has just been published. Cover: “The Goddess Tara” by Olivia Robertson. Oracle of the Goddess Tara by Olivia Robertson. Editorial: Reflections on the Parliament of World’s Religions by Kasey Conder. FOI Daily Attunement Times and FOI Daily Prayer. Announcements: New Admin for Order of Athena Facebook Group; FOI Chicago; Isis-Seshat Magazine; International Online FOI Symposium. FOI Events. Reports: FOI Chicago Solstice Gathering; Our Lady’s Prayer Circle; Samhain with Lyceum of the Nubian Moon. Muses Symposium: Bellydance by Tina Georgitsis; Littlest Druid Shares the Light by Kat Robb; Ley Lines by Shakila Ioanna Brati; The Stole of the FOI Priesthood by Linda Iles; Candle Magic by Kris Fawcett; Shaman Chefs by Michael Starsheen and Kiel Milner; Hymn to Isis by Loreon Vigne; Oracle Reading by Carolian Amor; Poem by Nuit Moore; Littlest Druid and the Reindeer by Kat Robb; New Year Greeting of the Spring Maiden by Caroline Wise; Colours of Devi by Hamsadevi Claudia. Goddess World: Memories of Olivia shared by Mana Youngbear and Carrie Kirkpatrick. Animal Family of Isis: Happy Hallowe’en from London. News from Members & Centers. Dulce Domum: Charleen Stewart.

You may view the current issue as a pdf at this link: Brigantia 2018.pdf